
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Finished Item - Premmie Baby Cardigan

Lee-Anne wanted me to make her something in a lime green for Ellie-Rose so I whipped this up on Thursday night & did the finishing touches yesterday afternoon. The pattern was one I sort of altered by combining two patterns by Heather from Just Crochet. I was actually trying to do one of her patterns (JC75P) and I had problems with it so I used the shell pattern from another pattern (JC01A) of hers to finish it off. I think it looks pretty good.  It's meant to fit a 9" chest but I used a slightly bigger hook than the original pattern stated. I am so hoping it will fit. It looks so tiny but it should fit a bubz up to 3lb. I'd better post it off soon so that Ellie-Rose can wear it before she gets too big.

Look what my postie delivered yesterday. How nice do these buttons look? I got them for a bargain off ebay.

Here's a close up ...

I am sure that I will be able to put these buttons to good use.


  1. Very cute cardigan!...and I love the colorful buttons too!

  2. Thank you Poetess. I was nearly going to put light green buttons on the cardigan but decided that the darker ones would look better.
    I really do like how it turned out.

  3. Not sure what is cuter the sweater or the amazing buttons!

  4. Thanks WildflowerWool. I'm not sure I could choose between the two either.
