
Monday, July 30, 2012

Finished Item - Crochet Baby Top

Ta Da. Another finished item. I think I'm beginning to get the hang of crocheting baby clothes. I just hope I haven't jinxed myself now :P
This is what I had been working on for the past couple of days. I finished it last night.

I didn't exactly follow the pattern for the bottom. It was meant to be in white but I thought that the red would suit it better & I changed the pattern a little bit too. Call it artistic license (~_~) I think the red makes that white yarn pop a little more.

Here's a close up. It looks good doesn't it  (~_o) 
I still have loads of baby yarn to use up. So I'll be making some more baby items. I love how they don't take too long to whip up.
It's not like I don't have babies to make them for. Little Ellie-Rose is almost 3 weeks old now & should be able to come home from hospital this week, fingers crossed. Moya-May was 9 months old last week. Time surely has flown since she was born. She's almost walking now! At least I have little ones to make things for. My boys are 'too grown up' to wear stuff Mum makes. Well maybe they will wear some things like gloves & scarves but that's about it.

Oh well .. I'm off to catch up on some of my recorded shows and do some more hooking.


  1. I love it, Jo! And the red trim was a good artistically licensed decision! ^_^

  2. Thanks Poetess. I'm glad you liked my artistic decision :D lol

  3. I love the red and white. Cute dress! Baby things are so fun to make. Not too long to finish, almost instant gratification, and they're always so darn cute!

  4. Thanks for stopping by Pammy Sue. You just described the reasons why I love to make baby things. I really love how they are so quick to make :)
