
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thankful Thurday


Here's what I'm thankful for this week:
  • my heater. It sure has been awfully cold & it's nice to feel all snug & warm indoors
  • unexpected phone calls - well normally this is not a good thing but Brodz & I were invited to give a talk to a small group of people yesterday who were carers of disabled children/family members or worked for agencies that help carers & their families. I got to share my Normal is just a cycle on a washing machine story. It felt pretty good to share it. I could see the group nodding as I was speaking. That must be a good thing, right?
  • sunshine - after all that rain and flooding last week this was definitely a welcomed blessing!
  • my bed - its nice to snuggle down under the covers and read.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Hello!!!....You're not obligated to follow the rules, but I just wanted to let you know that I did a blog post today, nominating you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! :-) ...I'm thankful I stayed awake long enough to finish it!! ^_^

  2. Thank you Poetess. I'll have to check your post tomorrow. I'm heading to bed shortly *yawn*
