
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Little Mechanic

We have a little mechanic in our midst this week. Angus is on work experience. He's working at one of the businesses in town. Yesterday he had to clear the bins, sweep the floor, wash cars and helped take a gearbox out of a car (I believe they're finishing it today). He's having a ball! There was only one complaint and that was his feet were sore. Angus is so used to sitting on his butt at his laptop that he doesn't get to stand around all that much.

Today is day two and he was very excited about going to "work" this morning. Let's see how he fares by the end of the week (o_~) when his feet might be ready to fall off.


  1. Good for Angus!!...Too bad he doesn't live near here. We've been having some issues with our car! LOL

  2. lol Poetess I am sure he would love to work on your car.
    He's been sending me text messages today letting me know how he is going. I think there will be one pooped kid sleeping very well tonight.
