
Sunday, May 27, 2012

WIP - Crocheted Scarf

Here's what I have been working on this week. I did have a few days off from crocheting though. I was resting my eye & that was before I got to see the doctor (o_o)  I can be a good girl sometimes (~_~)

I'm using some of the left over yarn that I had when I made Kylie's vest earlier this month.
The pattern I am using is similar to this one HERE its called Paul's "sweet guys" scarf. However I am making this one to send to Kylie along with the vest and a crocheted baby dress that I made for her grand-daughter (although bubz isn't hear just yet).

I'm off to put some tassels on the ends. I've never added tassels to anything before so this should be interesting (o_0)


  1. Looks good. Have fun with those time-consuming tassels! ^_^

  2. Thank you Poetess. Making the tassels was a lot easier than I thought it would be :) I made them while watching a dvd. It helped pass the time.
