
Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Waste Not, Want Not

Being the nice Mum that I am (let's face it I'm awesome - I tell the boys that all the time) and not wanting to waste good fruit that is slowly going soft and squishy I made a batch of banana muffins.

Don't they look fab? They've only just come out of the oven. Why don't you pop on over and have a nice hot cuppa and a muffin with me. You'll have to be quick. Once the boys get home and realise there are muffins in the house they wont last long.

You can find my recipe HERE. I swapped the plain white flour for plain wholemeal flour and the sugar for a granulated sugar substitute so they more were diabetic friendly.


  1. Yum!..And I was just recently craving banana muffins too! ^_^

  2. Poetess, they are yum. There are still plenty left, the boys aren't home yet. If you're quick there may be one or two left by the time you get here :D

  3. I suspect that by the time I get "there"'ll be too late!! LOL
