
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • Sunshine. Although it's been seen rarely its sure been nice when its out.
  • Music. I've spent a lot of time playing music this past week. Singing my heart out 
  • Hospitals. My niece Lee-Anne is in the hospital at the moment. Seems that her bubz wants to arrive a lot sooner than expected (12 weeks early). So she's in the best possible place at this moment in time. Please cross your fingers for her and the baby.
  • School - and getting a break from my boys. I love them but they get on my nerves sometimes and when they're at school it's like having respite.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Isn't it interesting how some babies just have to get here earlier...they just HAVE to! :-) ...I hope all goes well for mom and little one...You keep bouncing and singing while you wait! :-))

  2. Poetess, I'm thinking that all of Lee-Anne's babies want to meet her earlier than expected. So far so good bubz is still waiting.
