
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

He Had Something To Talk About

Brodie had his first public speaking engagement yesterday. It's part of that Ambassador's Program he and I did earlier this year. He went to a Secondary College in Traralgon and spoke with some of the Yr 12 kids and their parents.

Brodz was desperate for me to join him but I wasn't invited to this one although I guess I could have gone there if I wanted too. I thought it would be good for him to be able to have a go at his talk without me being there. He needs to be a bit more grown up and he needs to be able to do things without his Mum in tow. That's my thinking and I'm sticking with it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I don't like speaking in big groups either (+_+)

Anyway, Brodie was very excited about the fact that he DID his talk. He was told by one of the parents that he definitely had their attention and they were listening to everything he had to say. Brodz was also very excited that the audience were laughing with him when he made a few jokes. He had this HUGE smile on his face when he told me that they did NOT laugh at him at all. He really needed this confidence boost. He puts himself down ALL the time so the timing for this was very good thing.

There was one more thing Brodie was happy about. He will be receiving a cheque for $100. I bet he's already worked out what he would love to spend his money on too.

I'm just happy that there was a good outcome for this. That there is this program that allows special needs kids to talk about themselves. Something that shows the community that they aren't just a label & that they do have talents and can achieve things.


  1. Way to go Brodie! :-) By the way, who doesn't need confidence to speak in public?!...It was one of the first things that terrified me when I became a Witness of Jehovah...the talking to people I didn't know in public. O_O But you know what? Given a subject you believe in, and a little boost, it can actually be quite rewarding...right, Brodie?! ^_^

  2. Poetess, you're absolutely right. If you know your subject and believe in it you can (almost) talk forever :)
