
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WIP - Spotlight Squares

I finally did it. I managed to complete the square for week 6. It had me stumped for a while. After seeing how the square turned out when PoetessWug made it I thought that I should have another go. I didn't want this pattern to beat me! I love a good challenge & I hate losing (just ask Mark & the boys about how competitive I am).

Week 6 block
Below is the block/square for last week. It was definitely a lot easier than the block for week 6. I can just imagine a whole heap of these squares being made up into a blanket. It would look really nice.

Here's a photo of the ribbon flower I made the other day. I think it turned out okay (~_~) It really was very simple to make too.

I have another project in the works at the moment. I'll talk about that one soon.


  1. Great job, Jo! I knew you could do it!! ^_^

  2. Thank you Poetess. After seeing your square I just had to try again :D
