
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Phew I'm Pooped (well sort of)

I'm enjoying some quiet time. The boys have gone to the movies to see The Avengers. I'm sure that they will enjoy it. I know that they love Thor & the Ironman movies. They wanted me to go with them but honestly what teenagers really want their Mum to cramp their style at the movies? Best let them have some time by themselves.

It's a good thing they went out too. I've managed to get stuck into a few jobs and they haven't been underfoot. Although I guess I could've gotten them to help me out.

I've managed to do two loads of washing & hang them out. Stripped and made the beds. Put dinner in the slow cooker and washed the dishes. I've finally managed to sit down for a bit. After all that work I deserve it :D

I may even get some knitting done before its time to collect the boys. Hmm maybe I should make them catch the train home... make them more independent!

What plans do you have to this weekend?

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