
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Good Company, Great Food

Yesterday we went to a Hangi. It was hosted by a family who was part of the Ambassador Program that Brodie & I went to. It was my first ever hangi & I LOVED it! We had such a lovely time. Lots of good conversation and laughter was had by all. Even the weather was perfect!

The amazing view from their back yard
Master G and Jeff checking the pit.
The family cooks a lot of hangi's so they've made their own "pit" to cook everything in. It saved them having to dig holes each time they want to cook like this.
Checking to see if everything was cooked enough.

Uncovering everything
Checking one of the trays of food
Lamb & veg
There was a whole side of lamb cooked. Lots of potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage and corn on the cob.

Brodie entertained us after we had finished eating

Having some fun. Poor Marli didn't think it was that much fun when she was getting a hug.

Angus even made new friends. Starry (on the left) and Jasper (on the right)


  1. That looked like a really fun day. What is a hangi?! O_O

  2. Silly me, sorry Poetess for not explaining what a hangi was.
    A Hangi is a traditional New Zealand Maori way of cooking food. Rocks are heated and buried in a pit in the ground. The food is traditionally covered with banana leaves and covered by the rocks. Its kind of like a slow cooker but better.
