
Friday, March 23, 2012

WIP - Spotlight Squares

I mentioned the other day that I was making the Spotlight squares. I've managed to finish the second square but I've had to skip week 3. I just can't seem to be able to follow the pattern at all. My brain just doesn't want to work properly while I read it.

Spotlight Square - Week 2 pattern
I went on to complete week 4 but I forgot to take a photo of that square. Oops.
I've managed to get most of week 5 done however I am now stumped. Round 5 is giving me problems or was that round 6! Not that it matters which round it is I've had the square sitting on the coffee table since Wednesday waiting for me to finish it (o_0) I think it will sit there a while longer. If you're interesting in getting the patterns for your self you can go here to download them.

My two babies. Rory is asleep on Angus.
 I just had to share some cute photos of Rory especially since he was so unwell this week. The poor baby has to eat plain chicken & rice but he's fussing & begging for other foods whenever anyone goes into the kitchen. I've had to feed C.K. and Trip outside for the past two nights.

Cats amaze with the positions they get into when they are sleeping!
They really can sleep any where!
I'm off to go download the Spotlight patter for week 6. Hopefully I'll be able to follow the instructions for the new square.


  1. If I can help with understanding your squares, let me know. I've unraveled many a pattern in my day! ^_^ Don't unravel Rory though. He's too cute!

  2. That would be wonderful if you could help Poetess but the pattern is in uk/international terminology. Would you like me to send you a copy of the pattern?

  3. Yes, Jo. Please do send me a copy of the pattern. I'll check it out and see what's up!...Finally we'll be making something at the same time! ^_^

  4. Thank you so much! It will be great to make the same thing :) at the same time.
