
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Oops I didn't post yesterday. I got busy doing things and thought that I would find time to post later. When I finally remember that I still hadn't posted I was too pooped and went straight to bed. I needed the sleep.

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  •  beautiful autumn weather. Especially the crisp mornings that warm up into perfectly sunny warm days!
  • my crochet. It keeps me sane (~_~)
  • TAFE. Angus is always thrilled to go to his TAFE course on Wednesdays. Anything that gets him excited about learning is good in my books!
  • Rory. His antics and smoochiness has made me smile a lot this past week.
  • C.K. for his big soft cuddles and keeping my lap warm.
  • Visiting Teachers - they should be here soon. It's been a while since I've seen them.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. I won't get into it too deeply, but I'm thankful this week for plans and goals and things to keep your mind and fingers busy when your mind doesn't wanna be busy at all!

  2. Poetess, they are definitely good things to be thankful for :) Keeping your hands busy is a good thing.
