
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Cleaning But It's Autumn

Angus's laptop is getting dangerously close to dying. The screen is not playing nice any more and goes all white or has lines all through it. Mark & I decided that it was time for Angus to have a desktop computer. The only problem is there is no spare desk. Well not until the printer was moved on my desk and everything was cleaned up.

I am so glad I never took before and after photos. I don't think I would really want everyone to see how messy my desk was. Everything gets dumped on it. When we clear the kitchen table for meals 90% of the stuff got dumped on the desk. Sadly that's usually where it stayed.

My side of the desk. My tower is on the lest but you can't see it in this photo.
Once we started cleaning up by the printer I just had to do the rest of the desk. It would've been silly to have only one nice clean work station.

Angus's part of the desk
Angus is able to work next to me and I can keep and eye on what he's doing. I don't think he likes that idea too much but that's too bad. He is still earning back out trust from a couple of weeks ago. There's is even a bit of space for Angus to put his school netbook and he can sit there to do his homework. I can even sit next to him while he does it so I can make sure he focus on each task instead of playing music or games like he tried to get away with whilst sitting at the kitchen table. I am loving the idea of being able to see what he is getting up to.

At least we have a very clean desk. I'm just not all that sure how long it will last.

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