
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • after being off the road for about a month or so Mark is now mobile again. He's been able to get his motorbike up and running and with a new paint job. It's all black now. I swear he changes the colour of that bike more often than I buy yarn. Well okay that bit might be a slight exaggeration but if you know how much I love to buy yarn you'll understand :)
  • Angus had his school photos done on Monday. I can't wait to see what they will look like. He looked so handsome when he left for school.
  • Mark's Dad and Stepmum will be visiting from Western Australia in April. We've been invited down to Mark's twins place in Lakes Entrance for a meal & a 'sleepover'. I don't know about sleeping there but I think a visit would be great. I've never been to Lakes Entrance before its supposed to be very pretty there.
  • my crochet. I've been practising some more stitches from that dishcloth book. I have to admit I am really liking some of the patterns.

I really like that wavy one (top left) and the pink & blue one underneath.
Sorry you can't see that green one very clearly but it does look pretty.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. How nice that you have some trips on your schedule! I'd be thankful for that too! :-] ...And very nice crocheting there! I like the bottom left blue and white one. It looks familiar to some I've done before...Keep up the good work. :-)

  2. Thanks Poetess. I had fun crocheting the dish cloths/squares.
    I am looking forward to a short trip away. It's been ages since we've had a holiday of any kind.
