Its almost hard to believe that it's Thursday already. This week seems to have flown by so quickly. Here's what I am thankful for this week ...
- for Mark being okay & that he didn't have a heart attack. Boy was that a scary Tuesday!
- for my health, even though its not 100% its still reasonably good. I feel that sometimes I take my health for granted and it isn't until something goes wrong that I realise how good I really have it
- for my crafty things that I can use to escape from the hassles of the world
- for Angus, he is turning into such a loving and caring young man (even if his grumpy teenage attitude erupts now & then he is still a good kid at heart)
- for finding some bargains when I went shopping last weekend with Brodie, we found a few good items :)
Those are some great things to be thankful for!...I'm thankful for a lot of things this week, but the main thing I'm thankful for is time. Sometimes it moves too quickly. Sometimes there never seems to be enough of it, but this week I got plenty and enough time to do all the things I needed to do...and I'm truly thankful. :-)
I totally agree with you Poetess. Time can be a wonderful thing to be thankful for. I am glad that you were able to do all the things you needed to do :)
I found you from another blogger and came by to your lovely blog. I keep an ongoing thankfulness page on my main blog.
I am glad to hear your hubby is doing ok.
I am now following you.
Peace...Naila Moon
Hi Naila, its nice to meet you. Your blog looks lovely :)
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