
Monday, May 02, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old


1. What is your favorite kind of muffin?
2. What was the first car you ever owned?
3. Which TV Show were you sad to see end?
4. What is your lucky number?
5. Pretzels or Potato Chips?


My Answers!

1. What is your favorite kind of muffin?
I pretty much like all muffins really but home made is best.

2. What was the first car you ever owned?
A European Ford Escort, it was apple green and I got it two days before I even got my learners permit.

not my car but it looked like this

3. Which TV Show were you sad to see end?
There are lots of shows that I was sad to see end. Especially Stargate & Star Trek Voyager. I'm a geek what do you expect :D

4. What is your lucky number?

5. Pretzels or Potato Chips?
I don't mind the odd pretzel but I would have to say that I eat chips more than I do pretzels.


  1. Homemade muffins are the best...even better if they're homemade by someone else and fresh from the oven! Mmmm.

  2. your first car looks awesome love the color come see my answers

  3. Thanks annie. I don't think I have heard of your car though. There are different ones for different countries I guess.

  4. Hello again :)

    I've been wanting to see Star Trek, I heard it's good!

  5. Hi Tati, thanks for stopping by. I hope you get the chance to see Star Trek. Voyager was my favourite but I did like all of the different series :)

  6. The "Dunkin Donuts" coffee shop here makes the best muffins ever! I love the banana, blueberry and cranberry nut muffins the best. But they have some others that are great too. I could be here all year telling you about them!! LOL And how funny about the first car I ever owned. It was a 1969 Ford!! It had a hole in the floor, but the best heater a car could ever have! I called it my "Flintstone Mobile"! LOL I loved it!!...Back in the day, I used to watch "Soap Operas". There was one called "Ryan's Hope". Oh! How I loved that show! And a nighttime series called "Heartland" that was set in the 50s. I was sad to see both of these go. :-( It was a loooooong time ago though. I'm not that attached to any now...I don't believe in luck, so no number...And it will ALWAYS be potato chips! When I die and they are lowering my cold dead body into the ground they will probably have to pry a bag of "Lay's" or "State Line" potato chips out of my rigor mortis set hands!!! ^_^

  7. Oh, yes! I was sad to see Stargate end... I was even a fan of the new Battlestar Galactica.

    Dropping by from Meet Me Monday.

    Hope you have a great day!

  8. Star Trek: The Next Generation was my favorite!!! I used to plan my schedule around it. I loved Patrick Stewart ~ Jonathan Frakes ~ Marina Sirtis. I miss it too!!

  9. I liked Star Trek Voyager. I think Next Generation was my favorite, though.

  10. wow a lime green car. Almost as bad as my bright yellow one. Nobody can't say they can't see you!

  11. I luv that apple green.

  12. Poetess, I had to laugh about your Flintstone mobile! One of my brothers had a car like that. I've never heard of those TV shows but I don't mind the odd 'soapie' either.

    Heather, they are the best :)

    Dawna, I totally forgot about Battlestar. I love the original when I was a kid but the new one wasn't that bad. I've been watching Caprica only to find that one has been axed too.

    Donna & Yvonne, I didn't mind The Next Generation. I thought that Riker was nice eye candy but I really did think Picard was fantastic and so diplomatic!

    Blueyes, at least with a car that colour you could always be sure to remember where you parked it in the shopping centre. There weren't many cars around that had that colour :D

    Thanks Tea. I'm not exactly a green loving person but I didn't mind apple green :)

  13. Mmm homemade muffins are the very best and I loved Stargate as well. I liked Atlantis best though, Ronon and Sheppard are hot! hahah :)

  14. You are right, Homemade muffins are the BEST!

  15. Thanks for stopping by my place today. I love meeting new friends!

    What a cute little car, it reminds me of one that my husband bought for a work car! It was a great car, and lasted nearly forever. Our two oldest children learned how to drive with it.

  16. Hi Vicky, my boys would agree with you about Atlantis. They thought that Ronon & Sheppard where the best male characters on the show.

    Thanks Beverly.

    Shawn, they are definitely the best!

    Thanks edshunnybunny, it was a very good reliable car. I used to travel a lot in it too.
