I drive a big station wagon and I don't always feel that confident about reversing it (Although Mark said that I drive the care more confidently than I think I do).
We have mentioned it to some of the visitors about parking somewhere other than the driveway but they look at you like you are a demented idiot or they tell you to @#$! off. I am sure that if my car was to hit theirs they would scream their heads off at me. Sometimes we have asked the visitors to move their cars so we can get out. Gosh the looks that they give you its just easier to walk back inside and wait for them to leave. I don't like to stir the pot nto do I want to cause any tensions between us and the other neighbours.
All I wanted to do was go to the supermarket to get a few bits and pieces for Angus for his excursion to Ballarat tomorrow. Looks like I will have to wait for some of these cars to disappear... I just hope that it wont take too long for them to leave.
Well, there are a few solutions...one would be to back into your parking space so you are facing out when it is time to leave. It's easier to go out forward when there is little room to manoeuvre.
Or, a more creative approach would be to paint a couple of big scrapes down the back of your car, maybe leave some paint chips and orange back-up lights plastic pieces scattered about and a some denim or a piece of a t-shirt spattered with red wedged into the back bumper...
Or set up a lawn chair by the car, have a several beer and cheap wine cooler bottles laying about and appear to be guzzling one as they pull up...Stagger to your feet, belch loudly and yell back to your house, "Y'all want anything from the store, Hunneee...I'm gonna back out old Beulah now before there's too many more assholes in the driveway an I ken't scrape by 'em all...
You could have a lot of fun with this...On the other hand, you could just park partway into the driveway so they can't. If the station wagon is that big assed, it will get the message across pretty quick...
Good luck, inconsiderate neighbours really are the pits, aren't they?
Sudden Alarm of Donkeys
what a great post I would be upset also if I had to wait on somebody to move so that I can get out, especially if they are "visitors"
Hope your week gets better
Moe, I would love to be able to reverse park into my driveway but it goes up-hill and into a carport right next to the house. I would worry that I would reverse into the wall :-/
I do love your other solutions though. They really made me laugh :)
Thanks Emily & Rainbow. Over all the neighbours aren't bad its just the parking that's a problem.
I feel your pain. I drive a pick-up truck and not for nothin but you cannot see very well at all what is behind you. I am also always nervous about hitting something. In fact, I often park at the far end of parking lots just so I can get a "pull through" space so I don't have to back out. My husband makes fun of me, and like your husband, he has more confidence in my backing up skills than I do! :-P
I know what you mean about not wanting to stirr the pot. You definitely don't want to do that when all of you will still have to co-exist as neighbors afterward!! But you also shouldn't have to suffer such a silly thing in silence! I would politely go by and ask if they could please move their car...And I'd do that EVERY TIME, with a big smile on my face, until they got the point!! ^_^
Poetess, you're right I shouldn't suffer in silence. Even Brodie says I should ask the visitors to move their cars. Sometimes its not a problem when there are only two or three cars about the place but today there was an extra car & the parked crooked. I was so worried about hitting their car.
Perhaps I will be brave enough to ask them to move next time :)
Carole, you know exactly how I feel. I also do the same thing as you when it comes to parking. I usually pick spots that have at lease two empty spaces or I park far away from everyone else. I guess that's what happens when we drive a larger family car :)
I loved Moe's solutions, too! Very creative. Good luck with whatever you do. People seem to be getting more inconsiderate every day!
Beverly, you are absolutely right. Some people do seem to be more inconsiderate these days. We need to go back to learning manners & being polite and thoughtful :)
First thing, I want to say thank you for leaving a comnent on my blog. The meet on monday post. Second, I do know how you feel regarding visitors of your neighbors. You do not want to create tension with your neighbors. But if you are friendly with them, they maybe able to pass the word to their visitors about moving or be prepared to move. It is all about consideration which unfortunately has decreased over time. Good luck with what you will do.
Thanks for stopping by Abbie.
I was talking with one of the neighbours who had recently bought himself a car. He was saying how inconsiderate his visitors are for parking behind his car & how he has to make them move so that he can go out. He also mentioned how he asked them not to park behind him but they laughed at him & they are still parking in the driveway. So .. if the visitors to his home are ignoring his requests I don't see how I can get them to listen to me *sigh*
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