
Sunday, May 01, 2011

Angus's WIP & an Update

Angus asked me to upload a photo of all the squares he has made so far. He is very happy with what he has done so far. I think he has done a wonderful job! Great work there kiddo!

Just a quick update .. so far so good today. Things are calm for now. Brodie & I even went to Church this morning. Just for sacrament but its a start. It felt good to be there (always a good sign) I am hoping that the rest of today will remain as nice as this morning had been. Crossing my fingers. Wish us luck!


PoetessWug said...

I'm glad it was a better day, and tell Angus I LOVE the squares! That's gonna make a special blanket when they're all put together!! Good job! :-]

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Poetess, Angus loves reading your comments. He also said to say thank you :)