
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Thankful Thursday

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I haven't done a thankful Thursday post for a couple of weeks. Partially due to me being forgetful & not remembering until late on Fridays. It felt wrong to post on it on a Friday so I left it. But Yay I remembered for this week :D

Here's what I am thankful for:
  • getting my front tooth fixed
  • being able to smile again without worrying about people possibly staring at my broken tooth
  • the beautiful Autumn weather we are having right now. Those fresh starts to the day have warmed up to lovely mild afternoons
  • all the beautiful 'Traci Trees' that are around at the moment [my bestie Traci loves Autumn its her favourite season of all so I named the deciduous trees after her]
  • Brodie is going away for a respite weekend in a couple of days. With the school holidays starting tomorrow it will be truly welcomed
  • being able to crochet & knit things for other people because by doing this I know I can make a difference. I'm sending off some goodies (some toys, gloves & slippers/socks) to Box Of Love. You can find out about them here.
What are you thankful for this week?


  1. YAY for good teeth AND good weather both happening at the same time for you!!! LOL I'm particularly happy today for my 200th blog follower!! :-)

  2. nice post...the 'funny thing' is that I just wrote a post like that early this morning (it's scheduled to post on sunday morning when I won't be online). Sometimes we need to be reminded to be thankful. stopping by from Meet Me on Monday...ok, so i'm a little late.

  3. Wow Poetess, 200 blog followers! Congratulations :)

    Thanks Linda. You're right sometimes we just need to be reminded of things that we are grateful for. It's so much nicer to focus on the good things :)
    Thank you for stopping by too.
