
Friday, April 01, 2011

The Pet Shop Fibbed BIG Time

When we bought the guinea pigs for the boys last year we got both of them out of the "girls" pen. You can read about Popcorn & Jade here Angus was terribly upset when Jade died a few weeks later. She was awfully fat & we thought it was something to do with their diet.

We let Brodie buy a new guinea pig a few weeks back from the same pet shop & from the "girls" pen. We thought that Popcorn could use a buddy because guinea pigs are social creatures. We ended up with Hiccup.

As you can now see from the photos that one of the guinea pigs is now a Mum! Hiccup got awfully fat like Jade did. When Brodie went into the cage today (he's a slacker and had not checked the cage properly for a few days) imagine our surprise when he called us into the bedroom to check out the guinea pigs. There are FOUR of them now!

Mark is currently adding a divider to the cage. We want to keep Mum & Dad apart. No MORE babies for them. I have no idea how to check if the babies are boys or girls. I'm crossing my fingers, toes & eyes and hoping that the kids are the same sex!

Oh boy do I want to have words with the pet shop owners!!!!! Does anyone want a guinea pig or two or three or even four??


bearsjewel said...

we would happily take a couple but we live in New Smyrna Beach, FL USA. i dearly love guinea pigs

Jo-anne Blossy said...

bearsjewels, just a little too far to send them to you :)

PoetessWug said...


Jo-anne Blossy said...

Yes Poetess a BIG oops lol

Holly said...

Too funny!! Sad about the first one though. ((HUGS))

Unknown said...

Guess you got a good April Fool's, huh!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Holly I can see the funny side of things now :)

Beverly I guess we did get pranked lol

Heather said...

LOl - the fun and games of guinea pigs!

To tell boys from girls - turn them upside down and poke around the nether regions - when you pess on one bit - you get an inverted penis - Probably need to be shown how - but it is quite easy to tell the diffenece ;)

Now you have mum and dad - remember that mum - won't have any problems being jumped by son - I;m not sure when maturity is - so you may want to watch that also!

Good luck

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Heather. I managed to find a great guinea pig website that showed what the female and male genitals look like. I guess I just need to check what mum & dad look like to be sure and then I will be able to check the kids out a little later on.

From what I have read. It seems that from around 3 weeks of age guinea pigs can start breeding but I'm hoping I miss read it because that seems awfully young.