
Monday, April 18, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old
43rd Edition


1. Caesar Salad or Garden Salad?
2. Will you be watching the Royal Wedding on April 29th?
3. Last thing you spent lots of money on?
4. Window seat or aisle seat?
5. Do you know your blood type?


My Answers!

1. Caesar Salad or Garden Salad?
I don't think I have ever had a Caesar salad before so I can't really answer it but I do love salads though.

2. Will you be watching the Royal Wedding on April 29th?
It's highly likely that I will. I have watched every Royal wedding that has been shown on the TV since Lady Diana married Prince Charles.

3. Last thing you spent lots of money on?
My car. When I had to replace the engine & the gearbox.

4. Window seat or aisle seat?
It depends on how long the flight is. If its a long one I prefer an aisle seat so I don't have to pester anyone when I want to get up and stretch. Although I don't fly anywhere any more so it doesn't really matter.

5. Do you know your blood type?
Red. Seriously I have no idea. When I was in High School we did one of those tests where you place a few drops of you blood on a card & depending on how it reacted it showed what your blood type was. I have no idea how accurate it was but it said O.


  1. Caesars are lovely - garlic, anchovy, oil, egg, Parmesan, romaine lettuce...

  2. Thanks for letting me know what is in a Caesar Salad Heather. It does sound delicious!

  3. Thanks for stopping by. A few years ago, Americans got paranoid about the raw egg in ceasar salads, so now restaurants don't include them, however, I think they just added more parmesan, which is no problem for me.

  4. Car repair is no fun, but a necessary part of life. Hope next time you get to spend your money on something that is a bit more fun.

  5. I agree Caesar Salad is a favorite of mine.

  6. Mary Ann, I think they're a bit paranoid about the raw egg thing here too.

  7. Vicki, you're right it is a necessary evil. I have managed to buy some small things for myself though :)

  8. Gigi Ann, I must just have to try it one day :)

  9. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I like you guess I will be watching all the royal weddings.
    You have a beautiful blog/

  10. nice visiting here! I,too, actually didn't know what my exact bloodtype was, when we did blood type tests in school for an experiment it said AB but when I was checked for bloodtype in the hosp just before I gave birth it turned out I was an A+. have a great day!

  11. Thanks Bethe & thanks for visiting too.

  12. Shawie Girl, I don't think I will rely on the schools experiment. I'm pretty certain it wasn't right.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Definitely a Caesar Salad girl. It has more interesting things to nibble on; I'll be watching...if I'm up. I'm a sucker for a wedding, no matter whose getting married usually! :-) ; The clothes dryer...over $600.00; It's been a while, but I always prefer a window seat. I like looking out the matter where I am!; I did know my blood type, but for the life of me I can't remember it right now! Maybe that means it's "O"....for "OLD!!! LOL

  14. I remember some students doing those blood typing tests in Biology--many years ago!!! I wasn't willing to have my finger pricked! LOL

  15. Glad to see I won't be the only one watching the wedding Friday morning! :)

  16. Poetess, I love weddings too. I like to see the wedding gowns, what the bridesmaids wear & of course the flowers. I can't forget them. I don't think that O is for old at all lol I love your humour :)

  17. edshunnybunny I think it was biology class when we did the blood test thing too. I don't blame you for not wanting to do it.

  18. Teresa, I'll definitely have it on & I can pretty much guarantee that the males in the household will evacuate the lounge room when I watch it. It should make it nice & peaceful in my house :D

  19. You should seriously try a Caesar salad - I love when they put slivers of Parmesan cheese on top (vs sprinkled grated cheese) - it's awesome.

    I so admired Diana - I just don't think any bride could compare with her.

  20. You must try a Caesar Salad one day.They are quite good.

  21. ha, I haven't even started to fix my car yet. The list includes the instrument panel, the horn for the fifth time, the blower motor for the 2nd time, and there is some sort of electrical problem because the reverse lights do not work as well as the power windows are becoming iffy, and finally the timing belt needs replaced as I'm cruising to 100K miles now.

  22. I enjoy your blog. The colors are beautiful but they really hurt my eyes. I hate to spend money on a car. It's a necessary evil I guess. You need to try a Caesar salad. They are great. Doylene

  23. Hi. Thanks for stopping by Just One Donna. You should try a Caesar salad some time. They can be quite addicting, but I still prefer a lovely garden salad. Caesar salad is good when fresh garden items are in short supply.

  24. Thanks for stopping by, you have a great week too :)

  25. Donna @THOTC, Diana was a very special person indeed.

    Glynis, I might pick up the ingredients for a Caesar salad when I go shopping later on.

    blueyes, I hope that you are able to get your car fixed soon. I'll cross my fingers & toes that it doesn't cost too much to repair.

    Thank you Doylene, sorry that the colours hurt your eyes though.

    Donna U, that's for visiting too.

    Thank you for stopping by as well Susan :)

    Many thanks Norwegian Phoenix. I'll be over to check out how to claim shortly :)

  26. Yvonne, Having an aisle seat makes it easier doesn't it. I hated disturbing people when I wanted to get up & stretch my legs.

  27. Love your blog. We seem to have quite a bit in common. I am now following you. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    You can visit my Meet Me On Monday post here:

  28. Thank you Stephanie. We do have a bit in common :) I hope you have a great week too!

  29. I think it will be neat to watch the Royal wedding. I am sure my little girl will get a kick out of it.

  30. Rochelle, I was thinking most little girls would love it. Perhaps they may even dream of becoming a princess one day :)

  31. Thanks for stopping by!

    I like the ingredients in a Caesar Salad, just not the dressing. It's made with anchovies, making it WAY too salty for my taste. I usually either go without dressing or have ranch or french!

  32. Alicia, I don't blame you for not liking the saltiness of the anchovies. I only just started recently eating them myself. I prefer french dressing too.

  33. Visiting from Meet me on Monday… A little late though… I love reading what everyone recently spent a lot of money on. I love both types of salads, and could help putting a snarky answer for my blood type. I host a weekly Friday blog hop… Please stop by sometime :)

  34. Hi Im a new follower from the uk
    Love your blog
    come visit me anytime
