
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Another Meltdown

We've had yet another explosion tonight. We had one yesterday too at least I think it was yesterday. Sometimes the days blend into one another and I can no longer tell.

It doesn't take much for an explosion to occur. Take tonight's one for example. Mark, Angus & I were at the dinner table. Brodie had decided that he wasn't eating tonight. No surprise there he did eat a big lunch when we were out today. So we left him in his bedroom, which is at the other end of the house, so that he could continue chatting on Facebook. While we were eating we could hear Brodie talking. We thought he was on skype. He kept getting louder & louder. We could even hear him over the television and that was turned up because its on one of the high definition channels and for some reason the sound is softer on those HD channels.

Mark went down to the bedroom to ask Brodie to lower his voice because we could hear him over the television. If we could hear him sure as eggs the neighbours could too. But NO instead of Brodie lowering his voice he starts getting louder and angry. He begins swearing like a trooper. So Mark gets annoyed and raises his voice too. Brodie gets even louder and swears every other word. That "F"-bomb was dropped so much I lost count!

All of this because we wanted Brodie to not be so loud when he was talking. Is that too hard a thing for him to do? He went off saying Mark was picking on him. That Mark started it. How can it go from a simple request of please speak quietly to a full blown swearing tantrum in a matter of seconds? I don't get it. I honestly don't.

My day went from being pretty good, although I was sad that Angus didn't end up coming shopping with me & Brodie came instead, to where I now feel like I want to cry. Poor Angus doesn't know what to do when this type of thing happens. I feel just as bad as he does at times.

Brodie was meant to go on an Interchange ROADIES activity tomorrow but he cancelled it. It was going to be our respite break. I wish he hadn't phoned up and cancelled now. He only gets to go on two more after this one. These activities are only for those under 18. He's 18 in July. Then there are no fun activities for him. I don't know what we will do then.

All I know for now is that I feel bad and I don't want to feel that way. I just want a normal life. Not that there really is anything that is normal. Normal is just a cycle on the washing machine. I think I will just go snuggle on the couch with Angus to watch Doctor Who & finish sewing up the fingerless gloves I made. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.


  1. :-( I don't know what time it was when you posted this, but I hope things are better for you now. I think I would be sad too. :-( I'm sad for you...and Brodie and Angus too.

  2. Thanks Poetess, I am hoping that things improve tomorrow. This meltdown happened about 4 hours ago. Thankfully Brodie is asleep now & I am not far off bed myself. I now have an awful headache :( and I don't normally get them.

  3. My heart just aches for you when I read posts like these. I wish I had words that would comfort you and make you feel better. Hope things are looking up by now. ((hugs))

  4. ((Jo-anne)) I hope things are better today.

  5. Thank you Beverly & Karen. So far so good today :) *knock on wood* Today seems much brighter.

  6. Wow, that must be a lot to handle. I can't imagine how you do it. I think it' s great that you have a blog to get away from things and unwind a bit.

  7. Tati, there are days where I don't even know how I do it lol
    Having something to 'escape' to really helps.
