
Monday, March 28, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old
40th Edition


1. Crunchy or soft tacos?
2. Do you scrapbook?
3. Do you take any daily medications?
4. What is your favorite sound?
5. Where were you born?


My Answers!

1. Crunchy or soft tacos?
It depends on my mood but I usually make burritos rather than tacos. In fact the only tacos I make is taco soup. You can find my recipe here.

2. Do you scrapbook?
I have all the stuff so that I can scrapbook but I never actually do an of it. It's on my to do list but its that far down the list that I may never get around to it.

3. Do you take any daily medications?
Oh boy do I ever. I am on that many I am sure I should rattle when I walk. I take stuff for high bp, anti inflammatory meds, happy pills, for gout, vitamin D and various topical lotions & potions for my psoriasis. The people at the pharmacy and I are on a first name basis :/

4. What is your favourite sound?
There are so many things I love listening too. The kookaburras laughing, rain, children laughing.

5. Where were you born?
I was going to say in a hospital but then I thought that just wasn't enough of an answer to give ... I was born in South Australia in Adelaide's northern suburbs.


Rebecca Mecomber said...

I didn't realize you were Australian! I usually notice those things (I am nuts about Oz).

Sorry I never got back to you about what version Ubuntu I use (your son had asked weeks ago). I can't remember!!! I have Ubuntu on a tiny Eee, which I gave to my son... so I haven't seen it in months. But I downloaded it about 1 1/2 years ago, if that's any help. :S

Have a great week! Thanks for visiting me!

Helen Pigott said...

I love to hear children laughing too x

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Hi Rebecca, All Aussie here :)
Not to worry about the ubuntu. I honestly have no idea which versions there are. I can't even remember if it was Brodie or Mark who asked lol Whomever it was has forgotten too.

Rumtruffle, children laughing is so infectious! They always make me smile :)

Lisa said...

I would love to travel to Australia one day.
Have a great week.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Lisa, I hope you do get the chance one day. You will love it here!

Clavel said...

Oh boy! you got a whole bunch of medicines you take everyday huh? LOL!

Lee said...

Is that a photo of a kookaburra? Cute looking bird.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Hi Lee, yes that is a Kookaburra. I think its pretty cute too :)

Anonymous said...

I have only been to Australia once, but I did get to hear the Kookaburra. Lucky me.

Just seeing your map make my travel bug wake up again, not that it's really asleep ;-)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Clavs, sometimes I think I take way too many :/

Mostraum, I hope you liked your visit here. I think Kookaburras are pretty special birds. I', glad you got to hear one.

Kate Campbell said...

Question 2 - me too. lol

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Kat, glad to see that I am not the only one :)

Martha said...

Thanks for stopping by. The kookaburra is so cute!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Martha in PA. I'm glad you stopped by too :)

Yvonne said...

I do that with cross-stitching - I buy all the stuff and then never get around to doing any of it.

Happy Monday!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Yvonne, You do cross-stitch. I don't have the patience for that any more. Although I must admit the finished pieces look lovely.

PoetessWug said...

Nice to know I'm not the only one that could rattle when I walk!....I'm not sure if the reasons are the same though! ^_^ And you're missing out on hard tacos with ground beef, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese and sour cream!! YUM!!!

Unknown said...

Hi, I am following you from Mondays get to know you bloghop. I am looking forward to coming back and reading more of your lovely blog. I am from Norway, a fellow Euopean:)Hope you come and visit me too.

Anonymous said...

Luv the name Kookaburra. What is it? Is it a bird???

Anonymous said...

So you know your pharmacist very well, too...Thanks for stopping by--and I hope you get around to scrapboking, it's quite fun!

Unknown said...

LOL - My husband is on a ton of meds, too. There are times when he comes to me with a stricken look and asks, "Do you remember if I took my pills today?!" I always joke that if he ever gave blood, the poor recipient would be high for days!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling lots of people said kids laughing; great sound!

Lila said...

Australia is definitely a place I want to visit before I die (on my life list) Yes, children laughing is always the best mood enhancer.

Unknown said...

I always enjoy reading your answers. And I love telling people I have a bloggy friend in Australia!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

Apparently you and I will need to reserve a table on the "we want to scrapbook but we haven't gotten to it yet table"!! I have the stuff but can't seem to get to it.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Poetess, maybe I should try hard tacos again. Its been a long time since I have had them :)

Hi Siv Maria, Its nice to meet you :)

Hi Tea, Yes a Kookaburra is a bird. Its the one in the picture just under my answer for question 4.

Thanks for visiting edshunnybunny. I might just have to make some time to scrap book. The few times that I have done it I really enjoyed it.

Alicia, I know how your hubby feels. So does mine. He also has trouble remembering his meds :(

Allstarme, I think you're right. There have been a lot of people who have said kids laughing :)

Bella, I hope you get to visit Australia some day. You will love it here!

Thank you Beverly :) I enjoy reading your answers too.

Donna, you could be right! Perhaps we need to set a time & date to do it.

blueyes said...

Oh cool you're from Australia. That is one place I have yet to get to visit and/or live and plan on making it there one day before I die!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Hi blueyes, I hope you get the chance to visit. I'm sure you will love it here :)

Joshlin said...

OMG! "I should rattle when I walk"! You are so funny! LOL!!! Have a great day!!!!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Hi Joshlin, I hope you have a great day too!

dtbrents said...

I love the purple on your blog. I have a boxful of scrapbook plans I haven't had time to finish. Time sure gets away. I will see you next Monday. Doylene

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thank you Doylene :)
I know what you mean there never seems to be enough time to do things.