
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's PSG Time

Yesterday was PSG (Peer Support Group) time again. There were a few things to go over this time around. Miss G & two of Brodie's aides were there.

Brodie has been getting a bit behind with his TAFE work as well as his Math stuff. Since I'm not that crash hot with Math the school & I thought it was best if he did his Math homework during his study periods at school. That way he would have someone on hand if he did need help.

The hospitality stuff from TAFE was a different story. That one I do feel comfortable with & I am able to help him out at home. His TAFE work sounds really interesting! There's a few assignments that need doing although there is a little bit of time up our sleeves before they need to be handed in. The mocktail assignment sounds like fun & should be delicious where Brodie needs to create & make a drink. He's designing a chocolate mocktail which he has called Death By Chocolate. He also has a coffee assignment. I'm not too sure what that one involves yet. I'll check his worksheets later.

We spoke about the behaviour issues the school has. Pretty much the same ones we have at home. Although I have a feeling that Brodie might be a tad better behaved at home but not all the time. I'm thinking we need to do some more work on what behaviour is appropriate in mixed company. He gets awfully carried away sometimes and forgets that there are females present. Perhaps some role-playing might be in order.

I noticed that Brodie seems to be louder at school than he is at home. If that was ever possible. He is constantly getting reminded about using a quieter voice at home. I guess it might be working better at here but its not working at school. Poor kid probably thinks we are nagging him.

We also spoke about how Brodie was thinking about not doing an extra year at school. He had it in his mind that he would have to do extra VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) subjects next year & that he wouldn't graduate this year. Once Miss G explained to Brodie that he still graduates this year and can go to the Year 12 dinner with his friends he seemed to be okay about it. I also explained to him that he gets to do all that fun stuff next year too if he wants too.
Miss G also told Brodie that if he did return next year he doesn't have to to any hard VCE subjects. He can do VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning) instead and he can do fun subjects like Art if he wants too. If he chooses not to go back then the school will help prepare him for the 'real' world and make sure that we know of places that can help him work out what he will do after his school life is over.

For now we are going to concentrate on getting his work up to date and Brodie will think about what he is going to do next year. I can't believe that he is almost finished school ...


PoetessWug said...

All on the right track it appears....GOOD!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

It certainly does seem that way Poetess :) Its nice to have things organised.
Brodie has managed to catch up with a bit of TAFE work too since yesterday. I knew he could do it even though he didn't think he could.