
Monday, March 21, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old

(39th Edition)


1. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
2. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
3. How many siblings do you have?
4. Were you named after anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?


My Answers!

1. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
That would be my earrings. They are gold studs with an amethyst stone in the middle. Plain & simple & non-allergenic.
2. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
I twirl my spaghetti. You get more on your fork that way. Well at least I think I do :)

3. How many siblings do you have?
I am the youngest of 8 children. There's Wayne, Alan, Lynette, Graham, Vicki, Julie, Mark (the boys called him Buddy) Sadly there are only 5 of us left. I don't see any of them these days they all live interstate.
There was a 20 year age gap between Wayne & myself. Alan teased Wayne once about how he was old enough to be my Dad. I laughed and told Alan that he shouldn't say that because he was old enough to be my Dad as well. I don't think I ever heard him say anything like that ever again.

4. Were you named after anyone?
Yes but just my middle name. It was after the family doctor.

5. Coke or Pepsi?
I'm a Pepsi girl through and through!



  1. So interesting!!...Me? I never wear included...24/7! I can't sleep with anything 'cramping my style'...not even jewelry! LOL I put it on per the day...Spaghetti?! I twirl, chop, stab, slurp, or whatever!!...I'm one of 15 siblings...I think! After a while you lose count! LOL...I never drink soda anymore, but if I did it would be coke!...And I was named after a character in a Harlequin Romance novel....MY MOTHER!!! *smh*

  2. Yeah for Pepsi!!! Have a great week!

  3. I twirl my spaghetti, too, and I definitely get more on my fork that way. LOL

    Happy Monday!

  4. Poetess, I had to laugh about how you got your name. My Mum got her name from a book my Nanna read. Mum told me she was the heroine of the book, her name's Moya.
    I love the way you eat your spaghetti too! You just have to slurp sometimes :) it tastes better that way!

    Thanks Leslie, you have a great week too!

    Yvonne, that's my thinking too :)

  5. My husband's the 2nd youngest of 8! There's 19 years between the oldest and youngest in his family.In mine, there are 8, also, I'm the oldest, but only 14 years difference between me and the baby (I always call her that!), except mine aren't all biological--I love them all the same, though! I think BIG families are a thing of the past now-- too expensive!

    Thanks for sharing! This is my first Meet Me on Monday, and I'm really enjoying it.

  6. So we were both the youngest of eight children and I swirl my spaghetti also, and I love Pepsi, but am trying to cut down on so much drinking of it. Thanks for your visit to My Reading Corner today.

  7. I agree - you do get more on your fork if you twirl :-D

    So cool to come from a large family!!

  8. I've been surprised by how many large families there are out there. Sad though that you don't get to see them very often. My family is pretty much the same way.

  9. Pamela, you're right it is very expensive to have large families these days. Although I am sure that it was fairly expensive when we were younger too. I also think that families were a bit more self sufficient back then too. Even though we lived in the suburbs we had a veggie garden and chickens to help us grocery wise.
    I love Meet Me on Monday's too. Its a great way to meet new people :)

    Gigi Ann, we have quite a lot in common :) Thanks for visiting.

    Donna, it certainly makes things interesting when you come from a big family :) there truly is never a dull moment!

    Beverly, its a shame that we both don't see our families very often. Sometimes I really miss it and other times I don't feel that bad about it. Strange huh.

  10. WOW! A twenty-year age gap?! I thought that my kids' 10 1/2 year gap was pretty big! Did you like being the baby, or did your older siblings pick on you the most?

  11. Hi Alicia C. 20 years is a big gap. By the time I was in school most of my brothers & sisters weren't at home anyway. It was just my brother Mark & I at home. It was almost like there were only two kids in the family.

  12. Interesting story about your family and name. :-) you have a really nice blog.

  13. Those earrings are so pretty! I love nice simple studs that have a little somthing nice to them. I have some small pearls and a few different stones that I wear a lot! I love that you come from such a big family. In a way I wish I did too!

  14. Jules, I think Pepsi lovers are getting harder & harder to find. More for us I guess :D

    Thanks Joshlin. I like nice simple earrings too. I used to go for the fancy dangly stuff but my boys used to find them so attractive & tried to rip them out of my ears. Studs were a much safer choice :) I'd share my brothers and sisters with you but there aren't many of us left. Sadly three have passed away.

  15. Wow, you come from a big family. My Mum's & MIL's families were both large.
    Do you think it was fun having so many siblings?

  16. Hi Kat, By the time I was a teenager I was the only one living at home. I hardly saw the others at all.

  17. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello, and hooray for Pepsi! My husband is the oldest of five, one sister and three younger brothers. His youngest brother was born 11 years after them. Now that the "baby" is almost 30, they have much more in common.

  18. Galloway Mom, I found that as I got older I had more in common with my older siblings too. Although I rarely see them now.
