
Monday, March 14, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old
38th Edition


1. Do you have a fireplace in your home?
2. Can you drive a stick shift?
3. How many computers are in your home?
4. Are your taxes done yet? Do you do them yourself?
5. What is your favorite meal of the day?


My Answers!

1. Do you have a fireplace in your home?
No we don't. We have a big gas heater. A fireplace would be nice but I don't like the idea of all the work that goes with it like the cleaning & collecting the wood.

2. Can you drive a stick shift?
Yes. I learnt to drive in one but we don't call them stick shift here. Its a manual.

3. How many computers are in your home?
It depends on what you class as a computer. We have 3 work stations (desktops), we have a server, 3 laptops, 3 android smart phones and 1 android tablet. That doesn't include all the network hardware that connects them all with the router & the VOIP etc. We have had more but we've cut back a little.

4. Are your taxes done yet? Do you do them yourself?
What taxes? I am on a Carers Pension and that is a non-taxable income.

5. What is your favorite meal of the day?
Any that I don't have to cook. But if I had to choose just one it would be tea (that's dinner for some). Its the only time of the day that we are able to all sit down together. We're usually off doing our own things.


  1. I agree...sometimes the best meal is that I don't have to cook! Cute blog!

  2. I chopped enough wood for our wood stove as a kid to not think fireplaces are all that quaint! :-)) But they look cute in magazines...and in ski lodges! :-)

  3. Poetess, I agree. Fireplaces do look good in magazines & other peoples homes. just not mine :)

  4. thanks for stopping by what would jen do

    i never use real wood in my fireplace, i always use those fireplace logs, less mess.

    have a great week.

  5. True...any meal is good that you don't have to cook! I've always wanted a fireplace..but I'm sure I wouldn't want the maintenance that goes with them. Isn't that the way it goes?

    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Before we put central air conditioning and heating in the house, we had space heaters in every room. It's a lot like having a fireplace. Watching the flames is hypnotizing!!!

    I've always called it "manual" also.....

  7. Jennifer, I'm not too sure of those fireplace logs? I'm guessing they aren't made of wood.

    Bev, its the maintenance that goes with a fireplace that is the real turn off for me.

    Thank you Beverly :)

    Donna, I know what you mean about the flames being hypnotising. When we lived in a caravan park cabin we often had a fire outside and I used to love watching the flames & toasting marshmallows too :)

  8. In the duplex I used to live I had a fireplace but I just bought wood at the store instead of finding it on my own. It's hardly cold enough here to utilize it.

  9. Blueyes, I guess I would probably buy wood too if I had a fireplace and get the kids to chop it into manageable pieces, make them earn their keep :D

  10. Yes, I like any meal I don't have to cook, too! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Hi - thanks for stopping by GivingNSharing today! It was sure nice to meet "cha". I hope you are having a wonderful Monday (or Tuesday depending on where you're at).

    Tina "The Book Lady"

  12. You're cartoon about the computer is really cute.
    I like your answer about any meal you don't have to cook.
    Hope things are well with you.

  13. I love that picture you post in your number 3 answer! LOL!
    your newest follower,

  14. I love reading your answers each week.
    You computer count isn't unlike ours LOL - all that network gear sure takes up space. Our routers, switches and modem live in the bottom of one of my kitchen cabinets!

  15. Thank you clavsupclose & its nice to meet you :)

  16. Thank you Kia. At least your switches and things are hidden in a cabinet. Our stuff is all over the place but I have to admit it looks tidy.

  17. Hi! I am visiting from meet me on Monday- although a little late...

    I have a fireplace and I love it. Although I am a CPA I don’t do my taxes, but I do friends and family’s returns

    I host a weekly “fill in” blog hop – every Friday…. If you can, please check it out…

  18. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day especially if it is cooked, I love bacon and eggs x

  19. Hi Hilary, its nice to meet you.

    Rumtruffle, I love breakfast for dinner :) especially bacon & eggs on toast! Yum!
