
Friday, March 04, 2011

Just For Fun

Just a bit of useless trivia, who knows it may help you win a trivia night =)
  • An average snail moves at a rate of 58 cm (almost 23 inches) per hour
  • Vintage port takes 40 years to reach maturity
  • Around 4 billion litres of petroleum is consumed throughout the world each day
  • Blype is the name given to skin that peels off after sunburn
  • The largest pumpkin ever grown recorded a weight of 482 kg (1062.6281 pounds)
  • A lungfish can live out of water in suspended animation for three years
  • Proportionately, Earth's atmosphere is thinner than the skin of an apple
  • Road Runner has only been caught by Wile E. Coyote once, on 21 May 1980
  • It takes a tonne of ore to produce one gold wedding ring
  • 214 crates were used to transport the Statue of Liberty from France to New York in 1885
  • The only thing that can destroy a diamond is intense heat
  • The starfish has five limbs and can regrow four of them, as long as its central body is no harmed
  • A cat has 32 muscles in each ear
  • A tiger's paw prints are called pug marks
  • 26 minutes of slow dancing will burn about 420 kilojoules (100,382.409 calories)


  1. Ha! Ha! You fund some pretty interesting info there Jo-anne!...Now here's some for you: On some days I move slower than a snail; Vintage Port matures much faster than me; I think I could give a lungfish a 'run for his money' with the suspended animation thing; I wish I was a Starfish...I need some new limbs; and while a tiger's paw prints are called 'pug marks', my bear's paw prints are called 'Wug marks'!! LOL

  2. How about that... I love all this trivia... I never knew my cat had that many muscles in his ear! Have a great day!

  3. lol Poetess.

    Leslie, I didn't know that about my cats either. We both learnt something new today :)
