You know you're getting old when ... (some observations I have made)
- you just swept the floor & vacuumed the carpet & you need to rest because your back starts aching [okay I just did this one *sniff*]
- you now tell your kids to turn the music down because it is too loud [OMGosh when did I turn into my parents?]
- you no longer sit on the floor because it is too much of a hassle trying to stand up again
- you wish you never got rid of some of your clothes from the 80's & 90's because they are now back in fashion [well only a couple of things perhaps]
- you sometimes start sentences with, "when I was your age..."
I am sure that I have noticed some more but with the way my memory has been lately .. hmm maybe that is another one to add to the list *sigh*
This is cute!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Too funny!!!!....I could add to this list for sure!!
You know you're getting old when...reading a note YOU wrote requires a 5 minute search for your glasses and a trip to the bathroom first!
...when you miss a meeting with your husband and he says the little kids wanted to know where was his mother!! Grrrr!
...When "Ooooo! She's hot!" is said to you because they see you peeling off all of your clothes and fanning yourself in public!
I could go on for days here...but I'll spare you! LOL
Thanks TamTam.
lol Poetess, you made my day :) I am still smiling
I can commiserate.. I just recently started getting hot flashes and realized it wasn't because I was looking 'hot'..
Leslie, I feel you on that one. Although I have not experienced them yet but I am sure they aren't that far away either.
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