I've been up at the hospital with Mark for the past few hours. He's had some chest pains and shortness of breath. Mark called an ambulance and the amazing MICA (Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance) paramedics came to check him out. To be on the safe side they treated him as if he was having a heart attack. Of course there is no way to know if he is or not until they run some blood tests at the hospital. They look for some enzyme (I have forgotten the name) that the heart produces, but only when you have had a heart attack and part of the heart muscle dies. They take bloods when you get to hospital and again 6 & 12 hours later.
For now, with the help of morphine, Mark is now pain free (other than his usual aches and pains from his back) but they have admitted him & taken him to the High Dependency Unit where they will review him in the morning and decide whether he goes home or not. I'm not exactly sure what will happen from there but I guess I will find out in a few hours.
I'll be heading off to bed shortly to try & get some sleep (oh yay my meds are kicking in earlier than I thought they would!). I'm not terribly worried at the moment. Mark is in good hands at the hospital. They are terrific there. I know if there are any changes they will phone & let me know. Keep your fingers crossed for us though.
Oh No!!! I am so sorry to hear this!! :-/ I'm sending good thoughts Jo-anne. I hope it turns out to be something not so serious, but whatever the case...my thoughts are with you and Mark. :-(
Thank you Poetess. I just phoned the hospital & spoke with Mark. It looks like it isn't a heart attack, thank goodness. I'm off to the hospital now & will give an update later.
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