For those of you who may not of heard of Tux before. He is the Linux mascot. Okay now some of you are probably thinking what on earth is Linux (wikipedia)? It's an alternative operating system for your computer. I am sure that you have heard of Mac and Windows. Well Linux is an alternative to them & best of all its open source, which means the course code can be freely modified and redistributed. Sometimes you can pay for a copy but most of the time it is completely FREE!

BTW Mark has given up trying to get me to install Linux on my computer. At least for now. Linux doesn't play nice with Incredimail (yet) and I have no plans to change until it does =)
I don't know if you will understand what I'm about to say, but...this whole post had me hearing Charlie Brown's teacher!! Ha! Ha!
lol I understand perfectly Poetess =)
Did you know I was a Primary School (Grade school) teacher in a past life? Right up until the beginning of 2002.
I didn't know that!!....You didn't sound like Charlie Brown's teacher I hope! LOL
Oh gosh no. At least I don't think I was lol. I only taught 5 - 8 year olds & they never complained. At least not to my knowledge =D
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