
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday


Why does it seem that this week has gone awfully fast? Oh well .. Here's what I am thankful for this week
  • Nanna Naps or any nap for that matter. There's nothing like a snooze when the brain is on strike ...
  • school .. and the peace & quiet it brings
  • my yarn stash, patterns, knitting needles & crochet hooks, they help me keep my sanity
  • my smart phone & the many moments of enjoyment I have had whilst tweeting and updating my status on FB. Also that I can take photos and blog from my phone is a bonus!
  • my PVR, I can record shows and watch them at my leisure
  • for respite weekends ... Brodie is off on an Interchange camp this weekend. [I had to add this extra point because I am truly grateful for this one] I think we all need a break from one another.
What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Naps, yarn, and crochet hooks?!...I'm with you!...But I'm also thankful for patience, quiet time, a break from snow, and the ability to use my talents of crocheting and writing poetry to make life a little easier to deal with...or at least to give me time to relax my way into life's 'always coming at me' problems.

  2. Poetess, they are all very good things to be thankful for :)

  3. Jo-anne you are my featured blogger this week, hope on over to see your name in lights!!!!
    Helen x
