
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our Night Out

We just got back from La Porchetta. I just LOVE not having to cook dinner =) it means that not only I don't have to prepare ANY food it means that I do NOT have to wash any dishes. Who likes doing dishes when it's their birthday? I certainly don't. That is one rule that my Mum made and I have stuck to it. No one has to do the dishes on their birthday [there is only one little problem with that is they usually leave the dishes for me to wash the next day]

I didn't remember to take any photos of the foods we ordered but there are some restaurants that don't like you doing that. We weren't able to eat all of our food any way so we brought home doggie bags. Which means you now get to see pics of our delicious food! [Now you can drool all over your keyboards because the pasta dishes look so yummy] I am so glad that we only ordered the entrée sizes because there was absolutely NO way we could have eaten the main size. The mains were enough to feed at least 2 - 3 people!
I guess it didn't help that we ordered a medium sized pizza [it has six slices] as our entree. Their pizzas are to die for. They are so tasty and not even greasy. I wish all pizza places made them look and taste so good!

Here are our mains ....
Mark had Tortellini Carbonara. I had a taste and it was really delicious.

Angus had Ravioli Napoletana, which was nice.

I had Gnocchi with Mushrooms. The sauce was so creamy & tasty.

Mark didn't want desert but Angus & I did. I know we probably shouldn't have had any because we didn't finish our mains (well entrée sized dishes) but being a special night we just had to try some. Oh boy was I glad that we did. Sadly there are no photos of what we had. Angus had black-forest cake & I had tiramisu. Gosh had I known how large the portion would be for the tiramisu I might not have chosen it. I made Angus help me finish it but to be honest I didn't have to twist his arm too much.

I don't feel quite so full now but I do feel like having a nap. Maybe an early night is in order .. but I don't think that will happen. Maybe if I aim to be in bed before midnight =) that might work.


  1. Looks like you had a delicious birthday! :)

  2. Yummy!!! And yes...I would be drooling all over my keyboard right now, if I hadn't just ate pancakes, sausages, AND grits and cheese for breakfast!...I'm about ready for a nap too!...But when aren't I ready for a nap?! ^_^

  3. Leslie, it certainly was =)

    Poetess, your breakfast sounds wonderful. I have heard of grits but I have never tried it but from the pictures I have seen it sure looks good. I am not surprised that you didn't drool on your keyboard but I am drooling on mine =P lol

  4. So glad you got to enjoy a much needed night out!

  5. Thanks Beverly. We certainly did need a night out =)
