
Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Fisherman & His Wife

A fisherman comes home from a recent fishing trip and upon seeing his wife he excitedly says
"Wait until you see the BIG snapper I caught. It's a beauty! But, darling, though the fishing trip was fun, I really missed you. I'm so glad to be back. I am just not happy when I am away from you sweetheart."

The wife looks up at him, smiles then clears her throat and says "I am NOT cleaning the fish!"


  1. Thanks for the Sunday morning joke! Made me giggle!

  2. Ha! Ha! Funny how wives can always see through the minutia, right to the heart of the matter!! LOL

  3. You're welcome Leslie :)

    And Yes Poetess, wives are really good like that :) Women are awfully clever.

  4. Glad she wasn't "reeled in" by his "bait". hahaha

  5. lol Beverly I am so glad she didn't fall for it either =)
