
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Another Flower

I had some time to do some more crocheting today. Here's the flower I made while I was watching an episode (or two) of Angel. I think I did a pretty good job :) Not bad for someone who a short time ago had no idea how to read a crochet pattern. I'm guessing the instructions were really good in order for me to get the hang of it.


PoetessWug said...

Yes! Very good! I can see you've got it now!! All you need now is the projects and you'll be 'off and running' for the big things too! :-) Good Job Jo!! :-)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thank you Poetess. I really feel like I am getting the hang of this now. At least with flowers. There are still some harder patterns to try that I like. I'm just going with the ones I think look easier.