
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday


I just realised that I hadn't done a Thankful Thursday post today and I was just about ready to head to bed too.
Let's see what am I thankful for this week
  • That the rain has eased in Queensland. I hope that the flood waters start to recede soon and that those who are lost may be found.
  • That the people in Northern New South Wales, Western Victoria & in parts of Melbourne are able to sleep sound tonight without the flood waters entering their homes.
  • That I am safe in my home and that we have hardly any rain. I know that may sound bad considering what has happened around Australia this past week but I feel blessed that my family is safe.
  • That I am able to play a small part in helping the victims of the floods by knitting items for those who need them. Every little bit helps as my Mum would've said.
  • That I have seen so many people, in the blog world & on TV, with wonderful hearts who are so willing to help others. It truly is a wonderful thing to see.
I am sure I could list more but I can't think of them right now *yawn* G'night.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. I am truly thankful for these things too. But on a more selfish note, I am thankful for snow days off from work when you can cook and eat yourself silly! ^_^

  2. Your snow days sound great Poetess. I would be thankful for a day off work too :)

  3. Glad you're okay and that the rain has finally let up!
