
Friday, January 07, 2011

Optometrist Visit

I took Angus to the optometrist this morning. His glasses were looking a bit old and tatty. He's had them for a few years now and I thought it was time that we got him some new ones. He needed his eyes tested, as you do when you go to get new glasses, just in case the prescription had changed.

There was some good news, his eyes have improved enough that Angus no longer needs to have bifocals. Woohoo! Happy dance time for that. There was a time a few years ago that we were worried that his eyes would not even improve enough for him to get a drivers license. Hmm, I forgot to ask about that. Not that it matters right now he will have his eyes checked again before he goes for his learners permit. But YAY no more bifocals!

More good news, we were able to find some frames that Angus liked that are in my price range. I'm pretty pleased about that AND he looks spunky in them too. Although he wasn't too thrilled about the colours. They've ordered some frames in for us to have a look at that are in the same style & in colours he likes. They should arrive either Monday or Tuesday so we can go have a look.

Now for the not so good news. The lenses *sigh* they are going to cost me an arm & a leg and possibly my first-born grandchild! Well maybe not the grandchild. They were able to get me the cheapest lenses available for his prescription but that with the frames it puts the total cost over $420. I know it may not sound a lot but when you are on a Carer's Allowance $420 is a lot of money. Thank goodness they allow you to pay them off. I guess its not too bad if I think about it. I didn't have to buy new glasses for Angus last time we went to have his eyes checked.

I just wish that whomever stole the money from my money tin that I kept buy the phone (for when neighbours come over to use the phone) hadn't done it. I would have had a decent amount of money in it to put towards Angus's glasses. Not only did they steal from me but they stole from him. I went to check the tin the other day, right after I made the appointment for Angus, but the tin felt awfully light. That's when I noticed the slot where you put the money in had been tampered with. It was obvious that someone had made the slot bigger and emptied what they could out of it.

I felt violated. How could someone steal from me and in turn from my kids? I wondered if it was because the back door didn't get locked and someone helped themselves. Then I thought hang on a minute. If someone from outside our home was going to steal money from the tin wouldn't they just take the WHOLE thing? Why would they even bother trying to take money out and leave the tin behind? It leads me to the thought that someone in my OWN home was stealing? Why on earth would they do that? I don't understand it and probably never will. Either way I am bitterly disappointed that someone would take something that didn't belong to them. If it was someone that we know, that I know, how am I going to know who I can trust. Its kind of sad if you think about it. One small act can cause a ripple effect and change your whole outlook on things.


  1. $420 is a lot of money period. Well, maybe not for Oprah or Donald Trump. My husband had no line bifocals made--the ones that automatically get dark when you go outside, etc--all the bells and whistles. They cost over $500! And he lost them!! Arrgghhh!

    On the stealing part--that really stinks. I have a grown daughter who has stolen from my husband, me, and our son. Trust can be like a house of cards--very easy to knock down and not quickly rebuilt.

    Just remember you have people who care about you and are praying for you and your family. Hope that can give you comfort and strength when you need it.

  2. YAY for Angus!!! That hardly never happens, that you go to get your eyes checked and they're better!!...And "BOO!!!" about the money being stolen. Unfortunately I was a thief when I was a kid. I used to steal money from my mom all the time. I'm not proud of it. :-( Circumstances sometimes makes you behave in ways that are not your best...I did learn from it though. I learned that that was not the person I wanted to be! I no longer steal...EVER!!! I hope that whoever took your money learns that lesson too.

  3. OMGosh Beverly I bet you were so upset when hubby lost his glasses. I hope he managed to find them.
    You are right about trusting people. It can be so hard to earn it back. Thankfully over time it can happen but it can take a while.

    Poetess, I did the same thing when I was a kid. I guess what goes around comes around, right? I repented and asked for forgiveness & have never done it since.

    I have turned what happened with the money box into a lesson in morals. I just hope that if it was one of my two that they now feel bad about what they have done & that they will seek forgiveness. Only time will tell if it worked or if it was them in the first place.
