
Monday, January 10, 2011

Meet Me On Monday 30th Edition

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old


1. Have you (only you..not a group) ever won first place in anything?
2. Are your toes always painted (sorry guys...this question for girls only)?
3. What color eyes do you have?
4. Look to your left....what do you see?
5. Soft cookies or crunchy cookies?


My Answers!

1. Have you (only you..not a group) ever won first place in anything?
When I was 8 I won a prize for making an Easter Bonnet. I don't remember if it was first prize or not. I don't even remember the bonnet but I remember receiving some chocolate. Who would forget receiving chocolate as a prize?

2. Are your toes always painted (sorry guys...this question for girls only)?
No I never paint my toes and I rarely paint my finger nails either.

3. What color eyes do you have?
I have brown eyes. I was told once that I have a flower pattern in them too. Which I think is great because I LOVE flowers!

4. Look to your left....what do you see?
A mess on my desk, my computer tower, phones, my yarn stash, a fan, a sliding glass door, the back gate and a some other stuff outside.

5. Soft cookies or crunchy cookies?
It depends on my mood but I like both kinds. If I was dunking them in a cuppa they would have to be crunchy. They don't go all soggy and fall in your drink.


  1. I remember Easter bonnet comps. Do kids still do those I wonder?

  2. I don't think they have them any more Kat. At least not in the schools I worked in & I know my boys didn't when they were in Primary school. Kind of sad really. They miss out on so much these days.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  4. WOW! A flower design in your eyes!!! :-) My eyes are brown too, but I've only been told that mine are so deep brown that they almost look black...even in light! Where's my flower?! I like flowers too! ^_^ Maybe my painted toes and fingernails while I'm chewing on a crunchy cookie make up for it!! Ha! Ha!

  5. My toes are always painted and I have brown eyes. They use to seem so big but now that my face is fuller they seem to get lost. I prefer a crunchy cookie. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Your eyes sound cool! Ad I love that mug!

    I played today, too! I hope you can visit me. :D Have a GREAT week!

    Rebecca at

  7. Thanks Chele :) I'm glad you stopped by.

    lol Poetess, You sound like you have it covered :)

    Thanks for stopping by Helen :)

    Crunchy cookies are pretty good Debby :)

    Thanks Rebecca. I'm glad you stopped by for a visit.

  8. I love that mug..what a terrific idea.I would have a nice cup of tea and fill the shelf with my Cardamon cookies which I make either soft or crunchy..depending on if I remember to set the timer!! LOL

  9. Hi Norwegian Phoenix, its nice to meet you!

    lol I'm a bit like that with baking as well Shawn. I don't always remember to set the timer :)

  10. Great answers! Your 'flowering' eyes sound so unique.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  11. I prefer the soft cookies but my husband prefers the crunchy ones. I didn't think I ever came in 1st place but your 1st place answer reminded me that I actually did get a 1st place with my peppers that I grew in my garden at school.

  12. Karen, I don't think I would ever win an award for growing things. Now if I got an award for killing things in my garden then perhaps I might get a prize lol

  13. Seems like crazy weather everywhere this year!

  14. It sure does seem that way Beverly. La Nina is making things super cold or terribly wet!
