
Monday, January 03, 2011

Meet Me On Monday 29th Edition

Hosted by Java at Never Growing Old


1. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
2. What food item are you craving right now?
3. When is your birthday?
4. What were you doing an hour ago?
5. Last thing you cooked?

My Answers!

1. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
Apart from my funny post HERE I don't really have any resolutions.
2. What food item are you craving right now?
Nectarines. Yummy, soft and cold from the fridge. Nom nom.

3. When is your birthday?
It's next month on the 12th.

4. What were you doing an hour ago?

Washing the dishes.
5. Last thing you cooked?
Savoury Impossible Pie. I made it last night for dinner.

I just pulled this plate out of the fridge so that I could show you what's left of it. I'll be having this tonight while the boys are having Ravioli bake (not my most favourite meal but they males of the house love it!)


Empty Nester said...

No resolutions for me. That savoury impossible pie looks delicious!

Yvonne said...

The Savoury Impossible Pie looks really good.

Have a great week!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

EmptyNester & Yvonne it really was delicious. I love it because you mix all the ingredients together and then bake. Super simple and oh so tasty :)

Laura J Harrison said...

Meeting up on Monday.
Feb 12th: Arsenio Hall 1955
I'm a follower.
Do drop by. Comments make me ☺ smile.
January is Pet Month on my blog. Big giveaway coming up for all pet products. I'm giving extra entries now until Jan. 17!
Laurie from

PoetessWug said...

Ummm...What kind of pie is savoury pie?! It looks sort of like a stuffed pizza. Is it?!...Whatever it is, it looks good! :-)

Joshlin said...

The savoury impossible pie looks a lot like my shepherds pie. It has to be just as yummy! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Never heard of Savoury Impossible Pie, but it looks like something I need to try!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Hi Laurie, thanks for stopping by :)I don't know a lot about Aresenio Hall other than he's a comedian, right?

Poetess, gosh we have all sorts of savoury pies here in Oz. Impossible pie is more like a quiche :)

Thanks for stopping by Augmented Gem. I like the sound of your Mum's resolution. In fact my teens would LOVE it!

Thanks Joshlin. I bet your shepherds pie would be just as yummy :)

Beverly, I think its an Aussie thing. If you get the chance to try it please let me know how it went :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That pie look delicious. Loved reading your ansers. Have a great week.

Kate Campbell said...

The nectarines are great in Aus. at the moment aren't they. Yum!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Debby.

And yes Kat the nectarines are great at the moment!

Sheri said...

That savory pie looks AMAZING. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks for stopping by Sheri & the pie was amazing :)