
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting Organised For School

Over the last couple of days I have been slowly getting things ready for when the boys go back to school. Today I went to get some plastic folders so that I could colour code the boys subjects and place some notebooks in them.

Colour coding the subjects has been one of the best things I ever did for Brodie since he is so disorganised. I've been using this system for a couple of years now and it makes life so much easier. All he needed to do was grab the colour folder he needed and away he went. One of the Mums who worked at Brodie's school suggested it. Her son has Aspergers as well. She said it made his life so much easier.
Seeing how disorganised Angus is I thought it was time I did exactly the same thing for him.

I wasn't able to get a huge variety of folder colours but I did manage to get books with different coloured covers. Maybe that will help them out too. Anything to make life easier and less stressful is a good thing in my books!

All that I need to do now is pick a few display folders, decent coloured pencils for Angus, some HB & 2H lead pencils and the text books that I had to order through the boys schools. Then I am done!

Only 22 more days and school is back! woohoo I'm not counting or anything :D


  1. YAY for school starting back soon!...And YAY for color!! I love it!! ^_^

  2. Oh, I'm counting, believe me. hehe. Love your colour-coding idea.

  3. 21 days so go :D

    Colour-coding really makes life easier. Especially for High School. You know how stressed kids are when they start HS. Its such a HUGE adjustment for them with the changing of lessons, the travelling to each classroom and having to carry all the books you need. Change is not a good thing for Aspie kids!
