
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Adding To My Stash

The boys & I went shopping yesterday. They wanted to go to EB Games to look for more Wii games to play. I wanted to go to Spotlight because they had 50% off all their yarn, patterns and knitting & crochet accessories. Its a good thing that both stores are in the same town :)

I managed to add to my stash. Not that I needed extra but when its on sale ... I bought all of the above plus some micro-fibre towels for my Dad (it's his birthday this Friday)

I already have The Big Book of Small Projects 1 so when I saw that there was a second book I had to add it to my collection. I've already started knitting this cute little toy duck from it. I promise to take photos when I am finished. I'll add it to the other toys I have put aside for Knit4Charities (K4C) group.

I printed out a calendar for this years K4C list. It should make it a lot easier to work out what I can knit. Actually its more like where can the stuff I make be sent. I guess I should get those knitting needles clicking again. There are so many needy people out there. Like the K4C website says .. No one is too small to make a difference.


  1. I couldn't get through the rest of your post for a minute because I totally zoned out when I read "50% off all their yarn" LOL

    I've got to check out the Knit4Charities site.

  2. lol EmptyNester, I know what you mean. This store is amazing! They have sales like this all year. Sometimes they have 20%, 40% & 50%. Its my favourite store :)

    Knit4Charities is based in Australia but there are people from all over the world who have joined.
    It makes me feel good to make an item or two to give to someone. And the best part is if I don't wish to post them away I can donate locally.

  3. Looks like a good stash!! Wish this place was near me! :-)

  4. Poetess, I was thinking I should have bought more but I already have 4 x 22 litre plastic tubs full of yarn and I didn't want to seem greedy :D
    I would love it if there was a Spotlight store near you. You would LOVE it just as much as I do :)
