
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pet Peeves

I know I do thankful Thursday posts each week but today I am doing a pet peeves post for all those little annoying things that get under my skin ... ... ...
  • people who put music on their blogs and set it to play automatically. Yes I like music but not when I am forced to hear other peoples selections. It also slows down the pages when your internet connection isn't the best to start with.
  • kids who never keep their bedroom clean even after you've been in there and helped them clean.
  • kids how let their 'stuff' ooze out of their bedroom door so we can trip or slip on it or even break it .. and they wonder why their stuff doesn't last?!?!
  • people who give up on things without even trying. Having a defeatist attitude gets you nowhere!
Okay I feel a little bit better now..


  1. Ha! ha! Ha! WOW! I guess you WERE annoyed, huh?! ^_^ I don't mind the music...when it's something I like bopping to! The Christmas music?...Uh.....that's another thing!!

    And my hubby squeezing the toothpaste down in the middle and computer spyware?!!! UGH!!!!!

  2. Gosh Poetess, I totally forgot about the toothpaste one. That totally drives me insane! I have my own tube of toothpaste now. Everyone else shares one. No one will squeeze my tube in the middle!!
