
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nagging Teens

Brodie nagged & nagged me to take him into town (well the next town over from us) to do some shopping. I honestly didn't want to go. To be honest I didn't think that there would be all that many stores open due to it still being a public holiday. So to keep the peace I agreed to take him & Angus into town. Boy was I surprised to see more shops open than I thought there would be. I thought that they could go and check where they wanted to and I could go to Sam's Warehouse.

I didn't expect to get anything but it didn't hurt to look around. I was thinking that the boys might be finished doing their thing by the time I finished doing my thing.

They had all these wicker baskets at half price so I bought a small one to fit under the coffee table. I probably should've bought two larger ones as they would fit better. Not to worry I can always go back.

I already have some of my knitting & crochet things in it :D

I also got a bin to put the guinea pig food into. Now I wont have to worry about mice or anything getting in to the food. I bought a new pedestal fan because our old one doesn't oscillate any more & it was 30% off the original price! Finally I bought myself some new sunnies! (Actually I bought two pairs) My old ones were just about dead, the arm had snapped at the joins and they didn't sit on my head properly.

I look cool in these :D

I love getting a bargain or two when I go shopping!


  1. Definitely cool.
    I've started wearing those wrap around ones too. I don't like the sun getting into the sides, because I end up squinting anyway.
    I'm a bargain shopper too, I hardly ever pay full price.

  2. I'm like you Kat. I hate it when the sun peeps in at the side of your sunglasses. I really like the wrap around ones :) No more squinting when I drive.

  3. Yep! I love getting a bargain or two when I'm shopping also...especially when I didn't want to go in the first place and then...WHAM!! Bargains are everywhere!!...And I agree...your shades {sunnies} are very cute on you! ^_^

  4. Love that basket! You got that at Sam's?

  5. Thanks Poetess. You can't pass up a bargain, well I can't :D
    I guess in some ways I should thank Brodie for nagging. No I wont tell him that lol he may do it again.

  6. Yes Beverly, I bought that at Sam's. It's one of those bargain shops. I'm not sure what your US equivalent would be.
