
Thursday, December 02, 2010

My Tidy Desk

Mark & I cleaned up my desk the other day and I now I am finally getting around to sharing the photos I took. I know I said that it's my desk which meant I should have cleaned it myself but it is right next to the dining table and when the boys clear the table for dinner they just dump everything on the desk. After a while it kind of just piles up & piles up some more and stays there until we can't stand it any more.

Well we got to that point the other day where we thought it was time to do a big clean. I also thought it would be a good idea to photograph my desk as it may not stay that clean for long and I wanted proof that it was clean :P at least for a little while.

Now that its clean there's even some room at the other end of the desk for Mark or the boys to place their laptops in case they want to work/play here. I doubt the boys would though. The prefer the couch, their room or the table. Mark's already sat at the other end a few times playing with the new server we bought. Its attached to the desk but I didn't take any photos of that.

The only problem with the desk looking so good it makes the rest of the dining/lounge/computer area (its one big room) look messy. Sooooo ..... we have to clean up the rest of the place. At least that way when we tidy up it will look great when we finally put the Christmas tree & other decorations up ... ...


  1. Looks good!! I don't see any "AFTER" photos upcoming. ^_^ I think it'll stay!

  2. You really don't need to see the before photos. They were truly shocking! I'll gladly let you come over for a visit now. The whole dining/lounge/computer room is all cleaned up :)
