
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Busy Morning

I'm pooped! I've been out for most of the morning & part of this afternoon. Loads of running around & not much to show for it other than sore feet & a few prescriptions filled! It was bliss to take my shoes off just now. I am so grateful that my back was okay enough for me to do all of this running around.

I went to my see my dermatologist this morning. I swear I am in the wrong profession. I saw him for less than 5 minutes and I had to pay him $80 for the privilege! AND he give me the discount rate because I am on a Carers Allowance. I would hate to see what the 'regular' rate is! Thank goodness I get a rebate of $35 from Medicare!
At least my skin is looking good. My derm gave me another script for the smelly tar potion that my poor chemist hates having to make up. He doesn't want to see me for another month. I guess that's a good thing.

Mark wanted me to get this PGA male to female lead for the TV & game console(s) so we didnt have to keep unplugging things behind the TV. I checked two stores. The first one was unable to help. They sent me from one department to another. I left because they had NO idea.
The second store knew what I was on about but they were unable to help because they didn't have any in stock. Nor did they have a switch which would've been a good alternative. They did however point me to a store where I could buy a switch and the guy knew that they actually had them in stock! I will definitely be visiting them again! Super helpful & they knew what they were on about!

I think I've had my fill of shopping. I don't want to go out again until after Christmas! Not unless I truly have to and then I would seriously think about sending Mark and/or the boys in my place. I don't want the hassle of parking or waiting in long queues! And some businesses wonder why people turn to internet shopping! If I could order my groceries online & get them delivered I would do that too! They don't do that in our area, not yet.


  1. Glad to hear your back is feeling better...And about the online grocery shopping...Guess what?! We have that here!! I should say ALMOST have it here! I lived i Connecticut a while back and they definitely had it. Just order and they delivered. The same service is now here in Massachusetts, but not yet in my town. But boy when it's available...I'm going to be all over that!!!!

  2. Poetess, the online shopping isn't available where I am because we are country.
    Although one of the local supermarkets does home delivery. You have to go and buy it all first but they will take it to your home. Perfect for those who have no car & who don't wish to catch a taxi.
