
Friday, November 12, 2010

A Pretty Sky Show

Gosh what a horribly humid day it has been today. Thank goodness the cool change has hit. If today was a taste of summer it can go away! I'm not looking forward to more of this kind of weather.
At least this cool change has brought some rain & a pretty sky show. Lightning can look awful pretty.

Its cool enough now to do some knitting. I'm making a Jack Frost doll. It's from one of Jean Greenhowe's books, Christmas Treasures. I've only completed the torso at the moment. Once I've done some more I'll take some photos to share.


  1. YAY!We don't have that humidity!...But Booooo! We don't have the sun for long days either!...Oh well, you give and you get! ^_^

  2. Would you care to swap places for a little while? It's not always humid here but I'm sad to say that the long range weather forecast for where I live is more humid days than normal over the summer. Yuck!
