
Monday, November 08, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 21st Edition

Hosted by Java at Never Growing Old


1. What is your favourite kind of pie?
2. Have you ever ran out of gas in the car you were driving?
3. How many languages do you speak?
4. Do you take daily vitamins?
5. What is your worst eating habit?


1. What is your favourite kind of pie?
My Mum's apple pie was the best ever but ever since she passed away I have to settle for Nanna's apple pie. It's almost as good as my Mums.

2. Have you ever ran out of gas in the car you were driving?
No I can honestly say that I have never run out of fuel for my car although there were times when it came pretty darn close.

3. How many languages do you speak?
I would love to say that I can speak several languages but I can only speak English. I used to be able to speak Indonesian but I have forgotten a lot of it.

4. Do you take daily vitamins?
Up until a couple of weeks ago I would have said no but recently I started taking Vitamin D. Recent blood tests showed that I was pretty low on this and I don't want to end up with oesteoperosis. Plus Vitamin D is good for my psoriasis.

5. What is your worst eating habit?
Sometimes I eat when I am bored. I guess I should keep myself busy huh.


  1. Great answers. I have never heard of Nannas Pie but it sure looks good!

  2. Thanks Shawn. I think Nannas pies are Australian.

  3. Don't forget you can speak French, well kinda?!**?
    Following you now.

  4. I never heard of Nanna's pies either. I wonder if it's like "Mrs. Smith's" here in the states? That's really good...But I make my own apple pie with granny smith apples. YUM!!...Oh yeah! I speak 3 languages sorta, and some dialects: English, Pig Latin (fluently! LOL), and Sign Language. I have a Southern drawl when in Georgia, speak Jamaican Potwa dialect when with friends and dialects from different states in the South! I'm like a Parrot listening to people talk.....I type that way too!! ^_^

  5. That would explain why I haven't heard of them either...but I would love a piece of apple pie right now! LOL

  6. Apple pie runs a second to my cherry pie. I like almost any kind of pie that is set in front of me. hee, hee.

    I also like Mrs. Smiths Pumpkin Pies. They come out of the freezer and into the oven for an hour. Can't get easier than that.

    Thanks for the visit and nice comment this morning, probably evening in Australia.

  7. I know what you mean about the Vitamin. We too are finding out (here in the Northeastern US) that Vitamin D levels are low! Not enough sun!


  8. lol thanks Traci :)

    Oh Poetess I had completely forgotten about Pig Latin and I can do a little bit of Auslan (Australian Sign Language).
    The pies might be the same as Mrs.Smiths but homemade is definitely better :)

  9. Gigi Ann, I've never had a cherry pie before but I bet it tastes wonderful :)

    Jacalyn that's exactly why I am vitamin D deficient. I wasn't getting enough sunlight.

  10. Seems there are many "boredom" eaters out here. Maybe we should form a support group....

  11. That's a great idea Beverly.

    Sad to day I was just thinking of checking out the fridge and I'm not even hungry ... perhaps a cup of tea might be the way to go

  12. I am a new follower of yours from the hop!

    Please stop by and follow back when you get a chance. :-)

    Have a great evening!


  13. I'm feeling really guilty for not taking vitamins at this point. Osteoporosis runs in my family - you'd think I'd do better!!

  14. Hi Jodi, nice to meet you.

    Don't feel too bad Donna. You can always start today :)

  15. I often eat when I am bored too--mostly at work.

    Stopping by from Meet you on Monday. Here's mine:
