
Monday, November 01, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 20th Edition


1. Have you ever been on a cruise?
2. What is your favourite way to eat eggs?
3. What is your favourite reading material?
4. Name all the pets that you have ever had?
5. Were you ever a girl/boy scout?


1. Have you ever been on a cruise?
No I haven't and to be honest I haven't really thought about it. My Mum & one of my sisters have been on cruises and loved them. So maybe one day I might think about it but then again maybe not ...

2. What is your favourite way to eat eggs?
I like to dry fry my eggs. Basically I just spray a little bit of cooking oil on the skillet and I flip them once the egg whites look cooked on the bottom.
I also like to have egg salad, which is sliced boiled eggs smothered in salad cream dressing with a sprinkle of paprika on it. I love having that during summer!

3. What is your favourite reading material?
I read a lot. Mostly online (blogs & news) but I really love reading fantasy and Sci-Fi novels.

4. Name all the pets that you have ever had?
Oh gosh now you are asking! Let me see .... there was Digger (our dog when I was little), we had Goldie & Pearly (a yellow and a white budgie), Kym (my beloved Alsatian), Aubin (my first ever cat who was a Birman) Those were the ones when I lived at home.

Once I left home I had Sabre (cat), Kai (Blue Heeler), Roman (cat), Kirby (cat), Monte (cat), Phoebe (cat) Bluey (budgie) Parker (Jack Russell), Jadzia (Jack Russell), Cody (Galah), Toby (white cockatiel), Jonas (white cockatiel), Trip (Cat), Saqqara (Ragdoll cross cat) and C.K. (cat).

I didn't realise that I had so many pets. As you can probably tell I am a bit of a cat person!

5. Were you ever a girl/boy scout?
We don't really have girl scouts here but I was a Brownie and a Girl Guide. From what I can tell they are pretty much the same thing just a different name.


  1. I see you like pets as much as me, ha! Have a wonderful week!


  2. Love the picture of your cat! We have a cat that wanders our complex and I did not know what breed of cat she is until last night when I searched the net and found out she is a Berman!

  3. I find it interesting that so far everybody I've visited has been in the Brownies & Scouts/Guides. Must be some connection between that and blogging! Lol.

    Love your kitty picture!

  4. Oh you are a cat lover! Me too!! Yes I think Girl Guide would be the same thing around here!

    Great answers! Our version of Egg Salad is hard boiled eggs with mayo and salt and pepper!

    Have a great week!

  5. Thanks Jacalyn.

    Thanks Shawn. Birmans are just the best cats! Those and Ragdolls.

    Thanks Bev, you could be right about a connection with Guides/Scouts and blogging.

    Thanks Java.

  6. I love kitties and pups. We just have the one dog now but I do miss my cats.

  7. You couldn't pay my hubby to go on a cruise right now, with all of the weird stories you hear on the news, and if you served me a dry egg...I wouldn't go either!! LOL

  8. Kitty lover here too! Beautiful cat you have! She looks like a sweetie! Very soft!

  9. I'm with you on the Kindle--my daughter has one and I keep trying to talk her into giving it to me!

  10. You know Chele I thought the same thing too once I had typed all of the names up. I have to admit I did have 2 - 3 cats at the same time.

    Poetess, I don't blame your hubby. We've had a few stories on the news over the years about cruises which makes me think it might not be a good idea to go on one.

    Thanks reener. He was beautiful cat and so well behaved. He used to come for a walk with me when I asked him too. I am sure the neighbours thought us a strange pair walking around the block together.

    Beverly, keep asking one day your daughter might give in and let you have it :)

  11. She wants me to buy it from her! lol

    You asked about some of our dogs' names. Yes, hubby and son were (and still are) big A-Team fans. We still watch reruns and have some episodes on DVD!

  12. Well you have to give your daughter points for trying! I love the A-team too Beverly. Murdoch & the Face would have to be my favourites :)

  13. Hi new follower from meet me on Monday!!!!
