
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Me & Him


Beverly from The Beverly Buzz blogged these questions about couples, so did Nat from Nat's Natterings. So I thought I would have a go too.

1. What are your middle names?
Mine is Lee (I got that name from the family doctor - Mum was original huh?!). Mark's is a secret (you can try & guess if you want)

2. How long have you been together?
It will be 5 years in January.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met online in 2000 but we didn't meet in person until 2002.

4. Who asked who out?
I asked him

5. How old are each of you?
I'm 29 (well you needn't think I'd tell my real age would you?) and he is 38

6. Did you go to the same school?
No - we grew up in different states.

7. Are you from the same home town?
No. I'm from South Australia & Mark was born in Victoria but grew up elsewhere.

8. Who is the smartest?
Oh I don't know. It depends on how you define smart. We both have strengths in different areas. Plus we are both smart asses does that count?

9. Who majored in what?
I completed my Diploma of Education majoring in Art with a minor in History. Mark completed High School but he's never stopped learning.

10. Who is the most sensitive?
I would say both of us - it depends on the subject.

11. Where is the furthest you two have travelled together as a couple?
Adelaide, South Australia

12. Who has the worst temper?
Oh I don't know. Probably me.

13. How many children do you want?
We're a blended family. We don't have any children together.

14. Who does the cooking?
Mostly me but Mark does cook now and then.

15. Who is more social?
Neither of us really but I would have to say Mark would socialise with the neighbours more than I do. So I guess its Mark if I had to choose someone.

16. Who is the neat freak?
Neither of us really but we do like things to be relatively tidy.

17. Who is the most stubborn?
I'm not stubborn I am strong willed :P

18. Who wakes up earlier?
I do but Mark goes to sleep at odd hours.

19. Where was your first date?
Gosh now you're asking. An official one, I don't remember but an unofficial one was around 6 years ago.

20. Who has the biggest family?
I do. I'm the youngest of 8 and Mark is the oldest of 3.

21. Do you get flowers often?

22. How do you spend the holidays?
We have a lot of Staycations. We don't go away for holidays very often. In fact it's once every two years if we are lucky.

23. Who is more jealous?
Neither of us really. There's nothing to be jealous of.

24. How long did it take to get serious?
Well it depends on who you ask but I would say it wasn't that long but we had been best friends for years.

25. Who eats more?
Oh I don't know it depends on our moods I suppose.

26. What do you do for a living?
In a past life I was a Junior Primary School teacher but right now I am a Mum & a Carer. Mark's had a lot of jobs over the years. You could say he's a jack of all trades.

27. Who does the laundry?
I do.

28. Who's better with the computer?
Mark is the go to guy for computers. Even the neighbours come to him for help.

29. Who drives when you are together?
I do but that's only because its my car. Mark has a motorbike.

30. What is your song?
Would you believe we don't have one?


  1. So glad you did this! Loved reading your answers. I'm going to guess Mark's middle name is Twain!

  2. Thanks Beverly. Twain sounds like a good middle name :)

  3. I'm going to leave Mark's middle name out of this and just say: You're so young! Much younger than I thought you were!! ;-)
