
Friday, November 05, 2010

Kids! Well One In Particular!

What do you do when your 17 year old Aspie kid refuses to go to school? Do you argue? Definitely NOT. Especially if you wish to keep your sanity & your hair on your head!

Brodie will probably wish to kill me right now for posting this but he didn't want to go to school because, get this, he had NO clean underwear! I told him to go commando but he wouldn't. I don't blame him really. Honestly though, what did he expect me to do about his lack of clean clothing??
It's not MY fault that he insists on having what he calls a Floordrobe! Far out! Its not like he doesn't have a chest of drawers and a wardrobe to put his clean clothes in!!!!

Guess who had the privilege of doing a load of washing!! If you think it was me guess again! Brodie will learn one way or another that if you cannot place your dirty clothes in the basket that sits right outside of the bedroom that I will NOT hunt for his dirty clothes! Brodie did a load of washing all on his own! I guess that's a small blessing in itself....

Oh and I didn't phone the school to tell them why he was absent. He did that all on his own. I told him straight that I would NOT lie to the school for him as to why he was away. Brodie told them that he wasn't in the right frame of mind to go today. I guess that wasn't a lie on his part but it wasn't the WHOLE truth!

As for him being online all day ... hmmm ... he does have to pack for an Interchange camp he's going on this weekend! Yay for Interchange & Double YAY for respite!!!!! I think we need the break.


  1. I'm always so proud of how you stick to your to speak. That kind of tough love is needed more these days. I'm right behind you with my rah rah pom poms blazing!! (I figured 'guns blazing' would have been overkill. ^_^}

  2. Thanks Poetess. It can be pretty hard sometimes but I think its worth it if I can make it into a teaching moment for the boys. Well more if they can actually learn something from whats happened.
